Top 10 Best Yoda Quotes for Life Coaches
This is the second of three posts examining facets of the Star Wars universe through the lens of coaching.
Darth Vader Just Needed a Life Coach
Star Wars has captured the hearts and minds of countless people for over four decades.
My Health Insurance Cost Calculator
No, this is not a witty title that somehow ties in directly with coaching (but I’m flattered you thought that!)
Optimizers–Transformers in Disguise?
When you listlessly browse online, are you drawn to lists of purported “life hacks?” Are you saving them up to share at all those parties you will attend once we’re out of this pandemic? (Unless you’re one of THOSE people still attending parties and ruining it for the rest of us.)
“Everything Is Coachable” — My Interview with The Physician Philosopher
I have teamed up with The Physician Philosopher, Dr. Jimmy Turner, who is a fellow coach and who offers a physician coaching program called the Alpha Coaching Experience!
All That Effort for…Nothing?
If you’re anything like me, you’re ridiculously good looking and incredibly successful at everything you do.
Why Doctors Make Terrible Professional Coaches
Last week, I ran a post called Why Doctors Make Great Professional Coaches where I highlighted what I thought were the key ingredients that helped physicians excel at coaching.
Why Doctors Make Great Professional Coaches
There’s currently an explosion of sorts in the world of physician coaching.
Self-Compassion Is Required for Mindset Work
This post originally ran a month ago in a private Facebook group about physicians living intentionally.
The Space Between: Part 3 – The Transformation
I started this blog and the first post in this series with the following quote from Viktor Frankl:
The Space Between: Part 2 – Creating the Space
I started this blog and the first post in this series with the following quote from Viktor Frankl:
The Space Between: Part 1 – The Unconscious Brain
Dave Matthews once sang—wait! Wrong reference. Sorry to all you DMB fans, but I’m looking for something more profound (zing).