Best of the Blog: Charting as You Go

To ring in the new year, I wanted to share with you my most popular blog post of 2021: Charting as You Go!

(If you want to see the other posts that made the top 5 list, then see my State of the Blog: Year One post)

Charting as You Go is my #1 post because it’s been the most impactful in the lives of physicians. Heck, it was even featured in a large healthcare organization’s primary care clinician update!

And for good reason: it’s my number one efficiency for getting my work done at work.

So revisit the post or read it for the first time and let me know 1) if you put it into practice, and 2) if it transforms your work day like it did mine!

Click here to read or click on the title image below.

Oh, and Happy New Year! Here’s hoping 2022 treats you well!

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